Command-Line Help for hy

This document contains the help content for the hy command-line program.

Command Overview:


hay cli

Usage: hy [COMMAND]

  • markdown — [STABLE] print markdown doc of hay to std out
  • init — [STABLE] creates an example config
  • check — [PREVIEW] checks all endpoints
  • generate — [NOT IMPLEMENTED] generates ci actions to create that checks endpoints and updates website
  • server-mode — [NOT IMPLEMENTED] lets the ci run in server mode, continously checks endpoints

hy markdown

[STABLE] print markdown doc of hay to std out

Usage: hy markdown

hy init

[STABLE] creates an example config

Usage: hy init

hy check

[PREVIEW] checks all endpoints

Usage: hy check [OPTIONS] [FILE]

  • <FILE>
  • -j, --json

    Default value: false

hy generate

[NOT IMPLEMENTED] generates ci actions to create that checks endpoints and updates website

Usage: hy generate [OPTIONS]

  • -c, --ci

    Default value: true

  • -w, --web

    Default value: false

hy server-mode

[NOT IMPLEMENTED] lets the ci run in server mode, continously checks endpoints

Usage: hy server-mode

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